My Best Photos From This Week.

This is one of my most favourite photos that I took this week, this was taken at Bristol Museum.
I like this photo because the background looks effective and the clock looks really sharp compared to it.

This photo of a memorial in Corsham, was taken on Monday night when I was set the task by Nigel, to take photos of things that are well known in Corsham. This is well known because it is a monument of a well known man named Charlie, and I cant remember his surname,

I edited this image so that the lighting was slightly lighter than the original one, I also added a bit of warmth to the photo so it looked more of a sunny day than it was, also so the photo didn't look too dull and dreary.

This photo was quite hard to take as it was very high up but I think that I still managed to get a quite decent photo. The reason why this was took was because Nigel wanted me to take some photos of some analogue things to replace some silly clipart on one of his powerpoints.

This photo would resemble Corsham the most out of all the photographs I did take, the reason is because this is actually Corsham high-street. In this photo you can see one of the pubs, the flags in the street and if you look really closely at the sign post it says on it Corsham Court.

I made the colours of the buildings and objects in this image more vibrant and i decided for this one not to change the warmth.

This is my photo of a cow, the reason for this being
taken is because Corsham is well known for their farming and what is better than a cow?
I slightly tinted this photo green on light room
so that the grass seemed a bit more greener than before, once again I didn't adjust the warmth.

 This is my most favourite photo overall, the reason for this is because it isn't like I zoomed into the peacock I actually got that close to the beautiful bird, without it flinching or attempting to move at all.
I did adjust the colours a tiny bit in this photo but that was only to make the colours on the bird look more vibrant, I did also make the detail all the way up and the masking option too.

This is another memorial in Corsham, but this one is a War Monument. This is one of the most famous monuments in Corsham, this is where all the poppies are laid rememberence day and where all the people gather for the remembrance parade. This includes all the names of the soldiers that died in the war who were from Corsham.right at the top just above the poppy reif it says in big letters 'Duty Nobly Done' this means that the duty of fighting at war was nobly done, they were loyal to their family and friends by going into the war, this texting is shown close up in the image above.